Anopheles quadrimaculatus

Egg Availability: Wet filter paper Larva Availability: Mixed-sex, any instar (roughly sized) Adult Availability: Mixed-sex or single-sex Shipping Containers: Larvae ship in gallon bags of water, adults in cup-cages
Additional Information:
Young larvae are available weekly for Friday delivery, and older larvae are available weekly for Tuesday-Wednesday delivery. Eggs are available on Tuesdays. Eggs must be floated onto water immediately upon receipt and typically hatch in 24-36 hours under ideal conditions. Anopheles adults are somewhat fragile but extremely aggressive feeders. This colony was originally sourced from the USDA in Gainesville and has been continuously colonized at Benzon Research since 2011.
NOTE: The California Department of Public Health requires a permit for importation of exotic vectors into California. Please contact us for current requirements/details.
Species information from Benzon Research